11 Month Field Test: Still no bed bugs, fleas, ticks, beetles, aphids, spider mites, and dust mites
It’s clear you probably seen a dozen or so bed bug killers, flea and tick products, mite treatment formulas, and other pest products. Yet, why do some work and some do not.
Well, in order for a residual bug spray to be used by major vacation resorts, nursing homes, hospitals, and by pest management companies. They will need valid field tested study and so should you, before buying any product to help you.
Ancient formula never known by westerners
We believe this residual treatment spray works so well because it’s been comprised from ancient remedies that been working for thousands of year prior. Below is the expedition that enlightened the owners mind in natural remedies that are safe, yet been working for thousands of year prior.
Major pest companies needed more data then a expedition...
While we know ancient technology is extremely powerful. It was so different than what most people ever heard of before.
Think about it… a residual treatment for bed bugs, fleas, ticks, beetles, mites, aphids etc. You spray on your bed, floors, plants, pets, and it not only kills the pest, but is formulated to leave a safe dry residual to act like a barrier.
This was from the natural oils that we combined to make a super powerful protectant that is clear and does not stain surfaces.
In fact, this was exactly what bed bug sufferers needed. Since they were getting re-infestations quite often… right after treatment none-the-less.
11 months later... still no pests
So began a 11 month field study done by entomological scientists. Yep, they were on the scene taking notes every step of the way. And below, while it’s good to review the 11 months field test, you will also get an idea of inspection and treatment procedures they did to completely eliminate any pest from coming back using a residual treatment spray.
Two major public facilities with infestations were tested
The test sites were done in the following locations.
Facility A: State Historical Museum
11,000 square foot facility maintained by Government Agency. Periodic tours taken by school children and visitors of the general public were conducted.
Quantities Used: (8) quart bottles
After renovation, a licensed pest control contractor was employed to provide pest control services. Beginning in 2008 for more than 2 years various professional means had been undertaken to eliminate infestation without success.
Facility B: Hotel/Resort
Private commercially operated hospitality facility. Managed by regional hospitality management company.
Quantities Used: (11) quart bottles
- (4) Levels providing single rooms each approximately 300 square feet,
- Each guest room is carpeted rooms
- One to two queen sized beds with box spring and mattresses.
- Each bed provided with head board affixed to the wall.
- Each room contains chest of drawer with legs resting on floor
- Bearing walls are placed on top of another without concrete separation
- All but end rooms share at least two common walls
- End rooms share one common wall
- Electrical lines are placed ion wall voids and run from room to room
- Rooms serviced daily by housekeeping and vacuumed with common machine
- Soil linens/clothing are gathered daily from each room and place in service carts
- Filled service carts are then moved to onsite laundry facilities where they are unloaded
- Laundry is placed into washing machines and dryers
- After field study, hypo allergenic pest control detergent is now used successfully
Summary of single treatment success
The field tested was a live study and consisted of a single treatment of the residual formulation at each of the two facilities. The treatment was accordance to the labels directions of the Green Bean Buddy product.
How it was confirmed no significant infestation any longer
Prior to the application the entomologist in both facilities carefully examined the entire facility and CO2 ramp pit fall traps for the targeted pests as well as pheromone adhesive traps.
Monitoring and examination of traps confirmed a moderate to significant infestation reported by both facilities. All the insects which the Green Bean Buddy, bug killer treats are all morphologically similar and share common cuticle structure and bond chemistry.
Immediate results after first application & consistent for 12 months
Facility A: Immediately after the Green Bean Buddy treatment in facility (A), the government managed museum. There was clear results of observed pests knockdown. Follow up observations and collections were completed at intervals of 0.5 hours, 1.0 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours, one month and every subsequent month for the next twelve (12) months.
Facility B: Immediately after Green Bean Buddy was treated in facility (B), the hotel/resort health clinic the pests were observed for knockdown. Follow up observations were completed in 0.5 hours, 1.0 hours, and in periodic intervals of 24 hours during each subsequent month for the next twelve (12) months.
How successful results were measured
Facility A: After 0.5 hours after application it revealed to the entomologists elimination of all visible signs of adult infestation. After 1.0 hours UV markers were observed with 350 nm ultra violet black light (UV). Periodic inspections were done at 24 hour intervals during following months for the next (12) months presented no evidence of re-infestation.
Facility B: After 0.5 hours after application it revealed to the entomologists elimination of all visible signs of adult infestation. After 1.0 hours UV markers were observed with 350 nm ultra violet black light (UV). Periodic inspections were done at 24 hour intervals during following months for the next (12) months presented no evidence of re-infestation.
Residual kills more prevalent next to doors and poorly sealed areas
The noted periodic inspections of the facilities and insect traps revealed adult pests were continuing to “invade” the facility due to the the facility not being sealed from the outside.
Yet, carcasses gave evidence of the effectiveness of residual kills at each subsequent periodic inspection. No material re-infestation has been revealed in any later period monthly inspections.
UV markers continued to be observed with 350 nm ultra violet black light. The failure to adequately seal Facility “A” permits ingress of the pest “carpet beetles” where the residual agent of Green Bean Buddy, bug killer as seen under black light has continued to provide evidence of it’s lethality as carcasses are observed and most heavily concentrated in areas closest to poorly sealed or unsealed thresholds and around door casings.
No re-infestation from single treatment after 12 months
Facility A: The investigation was continued for a period of 12 months. Finding success from the formulations residual effectiveness in both killing pests on contact, and repelling pest as well as being destroyed from the residual.
Facility B: Guests in facility B (hotel/resort/health facility) had no reports of bed bug bites, flea bites, or visual observations of pests between the 24 hour intervals of periodic inspection in treated areas for twelve (12) months.