What does a bed bug exterminator cost?

This guide will give you a clear overview of the process of a bed bug extermination. It will also layout a comparison of what kind of cost you will incur and what you should expect when dealing with a pest management professional.

Working closely with pest management professionals

Upon creating Green Bean Buddy residual bed bug spray, it was our mission to work closely with pest professionals. In fact initially Green Bean Buddy, bug killer was so effective, large pest control companies locked up our license agreements to only be sold to them and not to the public.

We were happy to oblige. But thankfully, every agreement must be renewed and we spiced up the deal for both parties so we can continue serving some of the largest pest control companies in the country, yet also now sell to the public. 

What will a professional cost and will I need to evacuate

A popular question we get from our readers and customers…

What will it cost to hire an bed bug exterminator. Many folks are unsure of the cost and time involved. Will you home need to be tented up and will you have to evacuate.

Well, we wanted to summary it below in a easy layout so you can get a better idea and make an educated decision based on your budget.

Bed Bug Exterminator

Hiring a Professional
$ 575 Room
  • INGREDIENTS: Depends on Product / Process
  • PROCESS: Inspect, Spray/Heat, Evacuate (3 days - 3 weeks)
  • EVACUATION: Most Likely
  • GUARANTEED: Sometimes Yes, Depends on Company
  • REPEAT SERVICE: It's Suggested ($500/visit)
  • PRICE: $500 - $5,000

Green Bean Buddy

Do It Yourself, Bed Bug Spray
$ 89 Room
  • CONSULTATION: Call your friendly Green Bean Buddy
  • INGREDIENTS: No Pesticides (Exempt under EPA FIFRA 25b)
  • PROCESS: Inspect, Spot Treat (Procedures Included)
  • GUARANTEED: Don't Work... Don't Pay
  • REPEAT SERVICE: After 30 days, Spot Treat Just In Case
  • PRICE: $89 - 1 Gallon Covers 1,000 SqFt
Best Value

Process of a bed bug extermination

Below is an overview of the process of what to expect during your bed bug extermination. We go over the usual standard operating procedure so you know what to expect.

Step 1: Consultation, $250

A professional will consult you on what they feel would work best for your specific situation. The initially would do an inspection to give you a fair assessment. In most cases the professional will have to do a full inspection of your property.

As a customer of Green Bean Buddy, residual bed bug killer, you will receive a will do the a bed bug inspection,  which you will receive as a customer of Green Bean Buddy.

Step 2: Extermination Fee: $500 - $5,000

Let’s not sugar coat it, bed bug exterminations are expensive. As they should be, because you are paying someone to come to your property and do the treatment for you.

Guarantee’s Are Not The Standard in Bed Bug Management Services:

Yet, we found not every bed bug professional guarantees the treatment.

This is understandable as professionals understand they can’t control external sources of how bed bugs re-infest into your property.

This was one reason Green Bean Buddy, was being used by bed bug professionals, because of it’s unique residual that treats, but also when applied on the surface will act like a residual to protect from re-infestation. In fact, we had a highly popular 12 month field study done by entomologists, without a re-infestation.

So be sure to discuss all the options with a pest professional and what do they do if the bed bugs come back. Many reputable companies will discuss this with you. If they don’t… thank them for their time and find another solution or company.

Step 3: Evacuate Home / Throw Away Valuables

This is usually the painful part, but when a professional takes over a bed bug infestation. It’s their name on the line and they understand that bed bugs pretty much in all sorts of things such as beds, clothes, dressers, etc.

Also, if they use harsh pesticides, you certainly do not want to keep any furniture thats been exposed. This is because the furniture will certainly absorb the chemicals and after you return to your property. You will simply have that nasty pesticide absorbed into your rugs, floors, wood, couches, and more.

In summary, you will most likely need to evacuate and find a place to live somewhere else for a few days. Usually a two to three weeks in most cases when a home is tented.

Step 4: Steam or chemical treatment

Depending on your pest professional. You will either witness the following. You will go thru a chemical extermination or a heat extermination. 

Professionals for heat treatments, use some heavy duty machines or they can use something to our bed bug steamer.

Both can put you out of your property and you have additional costs due to finding a place to stay for the two to three weeks during treatment.

But it’s very likely if you do one treatment you may need to do a follow up treatment. This means covering your furniture, disposing of items and leaving your home.

In most cases, you would stay out of your property for about three weeks. So you don’t need to re-treat and do the whole process all over again.

Step 5: Vacuuming

After a chemical treatment or heat treatment is finished. The bed bug professional will begin vacuuming your property to remove the carcasses of bed bugs and any other objects left in the home that may be prone to another infestation.

Keep in mind, during step 4, if the pest management professional uses a pesticide you will want to make sure you do a A/C system cleaning.

This is because the chemicals can absorb into the A/C, duct work, vents, carpeting, furniture, cabinetry, etc. Be sure to at least change out the filters where applicable.

Now remember, you may find blood stains from these dead bed bugs all over your property. Stains on the walls, bed bugs, furniture, floor, etc. You will want to make sure the pest companies cleans this up for you as part of the package.

Step 6: YOU must watch for re-infestation

In this final step, YOU will have to watch out for more bed bugs. A pest professional will not be available every day after they are done.

So it’s important to understand that you are in charge of making sure bed bugs do not come back and keeping an eye for them.

If you want to make sure you do not have another re-infestation. Then consider a residual bed bug spray to use routinely every 3 months (if you are located in a place which may get bed bugs from neighbors).

During your look out period, just be sure to look at the most popular locations where bed bugs.

Choosing a treatment that is best for you

It’s what works best for you and your budget. We work with professionals and feel very confident of their expertise and effectiveness. But some of our customers choose to do the treatment themselves to cut some costs. We totally understand that and we truly just want to help you get rid of your bed bug infestation quickly as possible.