Where do bed bugs live in your house?
The following areas below are quick overview of locations you should inspect to identify if bed bugs are hiding in your property.
- Mattress
- Boxspring
- Mattress encasements
- Pillows and pillow cases
- Sofa and cushions
- Recliners and furniture
- Bed posts and wooden frames
- Dresser drawers
- Base boards
- Electrical wall outlets
- Window sills
- Picture frames
For a more in-depth inspection guide used by pest management professionals, you can review the latest where bed bugs hide data findings.
To assist in reducing bed bug outbreaks, please share these guides with family and friends.
Where bed bugs live
In most cases, many bed bug sufferers believe a bed bug infestation is only limited to the bedroom. This is not entirely true as each bed bug requires a blood meal in order to live thru it’s entire five stage life cycle.
In order to survive bed bugs will migrate to where you or residents settle most in the property. This is why couches and living areas become infested with bed bugs in addition to bedrooms.
Below is an image to identify the most common locations of a bedroom and living area you will want to inspect to check if you have bed bugs.
Understanding how bed bugs get into your home
Bed bugs are attracted to heat, carbon dioxide(your breath), host odors (kairomones), phermones, or a combination of all these items.
Bed bugs not only feed on humans, also they feed on all species of mammals and on birds found near the home including chickens, mice, rats, and rabbits. Below are common scenarios which bed bugs can be transmitted into your residence and properties.
- Visiting infested dwelling, hotel, or health facility
- Traveling on public transportation (taxi, bus, airline)
- Second-hand furniture being brought into residence
- Second-hand clothing brought into closet
- Working in an environment with bed bugs
- Having guests over whom may have bed bugs
- Children bring bed bugs from school
The natural habitat for bed bugs
Since bed bugs are blood sucking insects, the adults and nymphs feed on sleeping or sedentary humans and mammals, mostly at night. They are found around the world mostly in northern temperate climates of North America, Europe, and Central Asia.
During scientific studies it is important to understand that bed bugs development occurred thru each life cycle stage much more rapidly in temperatures in 70° and 82°F.
Questions about bed bug in your home... ask below
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