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How It Works

Loved By Customers

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"I’ve been a licensed pest control technician with my own business since 1983 and worked for Terminix and Orkin before that so I think I’m qualified to simply say IT WORKS!!!"
Mark Wagner
Pest Professional
"I will testify that this stuff really works. After using one gallon on the 1st treatment there were just a few found. Second treatment in 7 days and now we are bed bug FREE!"
Shelly Hall
Happy Customer
"My mom used this stuff and she was infested really bad. It takes about 2 days, but as soon as this stuff touches them or they walk over it, they immediately die.."

Mommy Kness
A New Mom
"I’ve received mine yesterday and it really does work!"
Lisa Valdez
Happy Customer
testimonial really works
"I have tried every product that promises to kill bed bugs but nothing worked. I came across this and decided to try it... I was amazed it works! Thank you Green Bean Buddy you saved my sanity"
Misti Dudley
Sanity Saved
"I want to let you know what an amazing product you have it worked from day one. I woke up bite free after six months. Even a professional exterminator couldn't get rid of them. Thank you so much"
Pam Phillips
Worked From Day One
"I’m still amazed at how it killed it with one spray."
Annette Boyd
Happy Customer
"It took a few weeks and a couple sprays but I can sleep in my bed again"
Emma Huffman
Can Sleep In Bed Again
"Yes It Really Works... I have used it."
Lou Reihle Moncrief
It Really Works

Just Some Of 100's of Reviews

Below is just some of our many reviews and screenshots from customers in facebook, live chat, or within our email support system.
carol malczon Avatarcarol m.
I really like the product, but wondering how often and how long I have to keep spraying. I sprayed good a few times and got no bites in a couple weeks,
but this morning I woke up with a few. I sprayed very good today, but just wondering how long do I have to continue. Should I do this every day, once a week, etc.? - 8/28/2021 
Bed Bug Killer, Lice, Roach, Flea, and Tick Residual Treatment and Preventer, 1 Gallon Image
Bed Bug Killer, Lice, Roach, Flea, and Tick Residual Treatment and Preventer, 1 Gallon
Elizabeth Bruscia AvatarElizabeth B.
Pam Phillips AvatarPam P.
Annette Boyd AvatarAnnette B.
I’m still amaze at how it killed with one spray. - 6/11/2021 
Bed Bug Killer, Lice, Roach, Flea, and Tick Residual Treatment and Preventer, 1 Gallon Image
Bed Bug Killer, Lice, Roach, Flea, and Tick Residual Treatment and Preventer, 1 Gallon
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