Compliance concerning accordance with Regulation EU 2016/679

General Data Protection Regulation enters into force at May 25, 2018. Green Bean Buddy, LLC. located at 1830 Radius Drive, Suite 1311 Hollywood, FL 33020 United States of America is dedicated to fulfill European standards of data protection and to actively support it. This GDPR compliance shall understood as unilaterally binding upon us and become operational as an exhibit to the Terms and Conditions. Green Bean Buddy LLC as a processor in relation to data content and Personal Data (and in some cases a data controller in relation to Personal Data) of Customers, dedicates itself to fulfill all standards necessary to ensure proper data protection.

  1. Purpose
    1. This policy codifies our commitment to the protection of data information and security across the enterprise. Data protection commitment is necessary for Green Bean Buddy LLC to maintain business operations and customer trust and shall be binding upon Green Bean Buddy LLC Services including those available through affiliate sites and companies.
    2. Green Bean Buddy LLC hereby declares that it takes responsibility to ensure its data entrusted to it by its Customers, users, business partners and employees are properly protected and used only for appropriate business purposes.
    3. As this Compliance form is unilaterally binding upon Green Bean Buddy LLC it may be used by any party using Green Bean Buddy LLC Services as a proof for our declaration concerning GDPR compliance.
  2. Scope of application
    1. This policy statement applies to all Green Bean Buddy LLC operations all over the system internally (including all in-house software solutions) and externally to all third-parties who may access to Green Bean Buddy LLC systems and data.
  3. Compliance
    1. Green Bean Buddy LLC, employees and Sub-processors who may have access to Green Bean Buddy LLC IT systems and data, regardless of role or responsibilities, shares in the responsibility for assuring that Green Bean Buddy LLC Services are conducted in a manner that satisfies requirements of European data protection laws.
  4. Data Protection Policy Statements
    1. Green Bean Buddy LLC acts both as data controller and data processor. Green Bean Buddy LLC, acts as processor in case of content and other Customers’ or End-users’ Personal Data entered to the system which scope and purpose of processing are not defined by Green Bean Buddy LLC,. At the same time, Green Bean Buddy LLC, acts as a controller in case of data collected from Customers or End-users for the purpose of account set up and maintenance.
    2. Green Bean Buddy LLC is responsible for the processing of Personal Data it receives under the Privacy Shield Framework and subsequently transfers to a third party acting as an representative on its behalf. We comply with the Privacy Shield Principles for all onward transfers of Personal Data from the EU and Switzerland, including the onward transfer liability provisions.
    3. Green Bean Buddy LLC, is compliant with Shield Agreement Requirements and certified in this regards. To view our certification page, please visit the website. Under certain conditions, more fully described on the Privacy Shield website, user may invoke binding arbitration when other dispute resolution procedures have been exhausted. Also, Green Bean Buddy LLC, will not transfer your Personal Data originating in the EU and Switzerland to Third Party Service Provider unless we ensure such Third Party Service Providers are obliged to provide at least the same level of privacy protection to your Personal Data as required by the Principles of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework or the Swiss-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework.
    4. Green Bean Buddy LLC as processor or controller takes actions on data entered by the controllers or data subjects to the system. Such data may include name, surname, company business name, address, website address, e-mail address.
    5. Green Bean Buddy LLC’s main purpose of gathering Personal Data and other information is to provide, maintain and facilitate the Services as well as to ensure safe and guaranteed Service performance, upgrade and improve the functionality of the Services; to provide Customer with access to its Personal Data and maintain this access via standard API methods for the duration of paid usage of Services (active subscription) as well as after the subscription is expired (inactive subscription), until the Service is fully terminated by a written request (in accordance with the Agreement); to secure (establish, investigate or defend) Customer’s, as well as Company’s claims that may arise due to the Services; to stay connected with the Customer to present up-to-date offer of Services and instructions or tips related to the Service.
    6. Green Bean Buddy LLC, may process the content of chat conversations only if necessary for maintenance purposes to ensure proper functioning of the Service.
    7. Customer shall have full responsibility for content and legality of data entered into the system as well as its maintenance in line with European applicable data protection laws. A Customer is responsible for obtaining consent in case of entering any sensitive data to Green Bean Buddy LLC Services.
    8. Green Bean Buddy LLC shall not take responsibility for the content placed within the system apart from ensuring adequate security measures due to technical inability to control the content entered by Customers or End-users during chat conversations.
    9. Green Bean Buddy LLC allow Customers to provide us with third party Personal Data. The information that we may collect is name, surname, e-mail address and other contact information, in order to allow you to add Agents to your account and provide services to your visitors and/or clients (End-users). We declare that will not use this information for any purpose which is not compliant with our Privacy Policy.
    10. To achieve high certainty level, Green Bean Buddy LLC declares that it shall not sell, lease of trade Personal Data to any external, unrelated company or person. Green Bean Buddy LLC reserves the right to disclose Personal Data to any of our parent, subsidiary, affiliated or successor companies, and other situations stipulated in our Privacy Policy as the only exceptions.
    11. Green Bean Buddy LLC will always give an opportunity to choose opt-out before any Personal Data are:
      1. disclosed to a Third Party Service Provider (other than Green Bean Buddy LLC’s representatives doing work at our direction, or a third party affiliated or associated with Green Bean Buddy LLC and connected with providing services and its current business activity);
      2. used for a purpose that is materially different than that for which it was originally collected or subsequently authorized by you;
      3. the only exception to said rules is once such disclosure is required by law;
      4. to limit the use and disclosure of your Personal Information, please submit a written request via (or via support e-mail of the Service you use).
    12. Green Bean Buddy LLC, Customers (and any data subjects) may always access their data and data entered by them to the system.
    13. A Customer gives its consent to the profiling of Personal Data that was given to Green Bean Buddy LLC for the purpose of proper maintenance and providing the Service to Customer. Customer agrees that the profiling of data shall serve, in particular, the purpose of providing Customer with content that is accurate and consistent with the scope of the Service used by Customer.
    14. Green Bean Buddy LLC enable Customers to opt-out of any profiling mechanism or to exercise their right to request data deletion, correction or right to be forgotten. Any inquiry concerning above-mentioned aspects should be submitted via (or via support e-mail of the Service you use). Data correction, return or deletion requests will be answered within 30 days.
    15. To request removal of your Personal Data from our testimonials or customer support forum, please contact us at (or via support e-mail of the Service you use). Data correction, return or deletion requests will be answered within 30 days.
    16. In some cases, we may not be able to remove your Personal Information, in which case we will let you know if we are unable to do so and why.
    17. Green Bean Buddy LLC pays special attention to security standards concerning minors. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from anyone under the age of 13. If you notice we collect and process Personal Data of anyone under the age 13 incorrectly, please contact us at (or via support e-mail of the Service you use).
    18. Due to the scale of data processing being part of operational process of Green Bean Buddy LLC, Services we conduct periodical risk assessments. Furthermore, Green Bean Buddy LLC, appointed Data Protection Officer to ensure highest standards of protection. In case of any inquiries Data Protection Officer may be contacted via