I love tech, I love the possibilities of the future and I dislike alot of the things going on the world which hold people back.
Just today, Peter Thiel is hinting to us about the first floating nation and it appears marvelous! This will spin an interesting debate with politicians and governments because if this nation has an attractive low tax plan, which sparks innovation and prosperity. Then you can be sure the losing nations will begin to take notice, who knows maybe they already have.
Regardless, it’s quite innovative and will be interesting to see how it competes with other nations. Let me know your thoughts, do you think we need a new nation away from the governments we live in today?
Here comes the hydroponic gardens
At Green Bean Buddy, we love nature and having the skill set of building a self sustainable home. With this new technology of nations on water and with the colder trend of weather world wide this is why we feel it’s important trend of indoor gardens.
Importing food to any island is expensive. It will be more expensive as colder climate comes upon us. This will begin setting the stage of indoor gardening for you and I.
Like in any trend historically, the colder it becomes, the more expensive food becomes.. the old supply and demand.
The cost effectiveness of hydroponic gardens will be crucial in this futuristic lifestyle.
We believe growing your own vegetables in your home will be the norm. It will also allow you to monitor your green food yourself avoid harmful pesticides and mutated seeds.
A touch of french polynesia
The design was inspired by Peter Thiel after some visits from French Polynesia islands which settle on homes with stilts and around the water.
Cruse ships can come and drop folks off and live the Caribbean life-style while taking a dip in the ocean right from their patios.
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Tell us what you think… would you want to live there or are you comfortable in the states or where your living now? We’re curious on everyone else opinion in this new nation-less living.