How To Use Lice Mist
Congratulations on choosing Lice Mist!
Now, you might be wondering how to use it. Don’t worry, we created a detailed guide to help you through in treating head lice.
In case that you also need to treat your home, we recommend you to use a residual spray treatment This is important especially that you don’t want to have another infestation.
Before you start spraying...
To make everything organized and in order, the first step would be to section the hair.
Divide the hair into half, then into small sections like the image below:

This will help you see everything in small sections and a great way to make sure that every part of the head will get treated.
Where to spray Lice Mist
Using your homeopathic Lice Mist, here are the spots on where to spray it:
- behind ears and back neck
- scalp and hair
Rinse well and towel dry
Now that you sprayed Lice Mist and made sure you covered everything, leave it for 5-10 minutes for the Lice Mist to dry.
Then rinse it after treatment using Lice Mist Shampoo and then towel dry the hair so it is slightly damp.
Now we can proceed to the next step which is removing dead nits and lice.
Remove dead nits and lice
Removing dead nits and lice is made easy with the nit comb that comes with your Lice Mist spray treatment.
Steps in removing dead nits and lice:
- Part the hair into sections
- Comb out nits and lice making sure that you comb as close to the scalp
- Hold back each section of hair after combing
- Repeat combing in new section
- Clean comb and dispose lice and nits
- Use a baggy bag that you can seal
- After each combing, re-check for lice and nits. You want to make sure that you didn’t miss any.
- Repeat combing as needed
Re-treatment is important
We recommend you to re-treat in 7-10 days just to make sure that there would be new nits that will soon be adults. We don’t want that to happen.
Treat your entire home
Don’t stop with just treating the hair, don’t forget to treat your home as well.
You see, lice can crawl into your bedding, couch, backpacks, clothes and linens. Treating your home is a must prevent re-infestation of lice.
Use our Green Bean Buddy Bug Spray to eliminate not only lice but other kinds of pests.
Treat linens and laundry with hypo-allergen detergent
Don’t forget there is a risk for the lice to be nesting in the pillows, beds, and linens. Resorts and health facilities have been using Green Bean Buddy hypo-allergenic detergent that is formulated for pests. This is a great laundry replacement and great for hyper-sensitive customers who want a delicate detergent.
Re-treat in 7 to 10 days, just in case
After doing your normal treatment. You will always want to re-treat and do another round of Lice Mist in the hair or body just in case. As the lice can be transmitted from external sources. So it’s always a good practice to re-treat till you feel there is no more risk of lice.
Got any questions? We are here to help!
Comment below if you have any questions regarding head lice and how to treat them and we will be happy to assist you.